
The Clarification of Fake News of MCD, KFC, Domino’s, and Pizza Hut

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

All Praises to Allah who always gives His Grace and Protection in every activity we do and hopefully all the goodness will remain us.

Responding to a spreading issue in society regarding the pork ingredients, LM 10 in mayonnaise on the menus of McDonald’s, KFC, Domino’s Pizza, and Pizza Hut restaurants, and as an update to the Letter of Notification DN06/Dir/LPPOM MUI/II/17, we hereby inform that:

1. This issue is an issue aimed at McDonald’s, KFC, Domino’s Pizza, and Pizza Hut restaurants in America and South Africa, not in Indonesia.

Based on the results of the audit/material tracing, no pork was found so that issued a halal certificate with the following details:

a. McDonald’s Restaurant, with Halal Certificate number ID00410000002031019 was inspected by LPH LPPOM MUI.

b. KFC Restaurant, with Halal Certificate number ID00420000185770121 was inspected by LPH LPPOM MUI.

c. Domino’s Pizza Restaurant, with Halal Certificate number ID00420000187430621 was inspected by LPH LPPOM MUI.

d. Pizza Hut Restaurant, with Halal Certificate number ID00410000275770621 was inspected by LPH LPPOM MUI.

Furthermore, to ensure that the products are MUI Halal certified, we invite consumers and the public to check these products either through the website or the “Halal MUI” application on smartphones based on Android and iOS. If consumers and the public have questions about halal certified products, we are welcome to send questions to our Customer Care Team at the email address [email protected]

The complete letter of notification can be accessed via the following link.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

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