
Be Careful When Choosing Canned Fruit

One industry that demands all practicality is the food sector. To process food to be practical and durable, various packaging is done in order to the food remains durable and can be consumed in a relatively long period of time.

Based on HalalMUI search results, canned fruit is one of the many foods that are processed and packaged in cans with the aim that the freshness of the original fruit can last a long time. In the process, fruit canning is carried out in tightly closed containers and sterilized by heating. This preservation method is the most commonly done because it is free from decay, and can maintain nutritional value, taste and attraction.

The method used for fruit canning is a conventional method, where the fruit material that has been cleaned is put into a can, then added a liquid medium (syrup, solution and other ingredients).

After being heated, then the can is tightly closed. Then the cans that have been tightly closed, heated at high temperatures in an autoclave or retort for a certain time, then immediately cooled in cold water, dried, and finally labeled.

In the food canning industry, commercial sterilization is applied. That is, even though the product is not 100 percent sterile, it is quite free from decomposing bacteria and pathogens (causes of disease) so that it is resistant to being stored for one year or more in conditions that are still suitable for consumption.

In general, canned fruit is composed of various raw materials, including, real fruit, water, sugar, and citric acid. Related to canned fruit raw materials, Head of Auditing LPPOM MUI, Dr. Ir. Mulyorini R. Hilwan, M.Sc., expressed the need to watch out for aspects of halalness on these materials by paying attention to their fraught critical points. (HalalMUI)

For example in the case of the type of fruit used must be the original fruit. The original fruit here can be in the form of whole fruit, as well as fruit that has been cut into pieces, and the types are also various, including papaya, pineapple, pumpkin, bengkuang, and others. In this real fruit, there is no haram critical point to worry about, because the ingredients come from vegetable.

The next content is water and sugar. As is known, water is included in the list of materials that are not critical (included in the positive list). Whereas sugar, the haram critical point is in the auxiliary ingredients of the sugar making process.

If you use activated carbon sugar bleach, you must ensure the source of the active carbon material. Activated carbon is called halal if it comes from coal or vegetable, for example, wood. Whereas if the activated carbon is from bone, it must be ascertained in advance what source of animal bones and how to slaughter it.

In making sugar, sometimes ion exchange resins are used. To confirm this, the resin does not use gelatin from haram animals as a dispersant agent.

Next is citric acid. Citric acid is often added to canned fruit. Citric acid is a microbial product, so it must be ensured that media and auxiliary materials are not derived from haram and unclean ingredients.

Thus HalalMUI’s review about the canned fruit haram critical point that must be observed. Maybe useful.


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