
Beer 0% Alcohol, Can It Be Halal Certified?

The social media in Indonesia is busy discussing drinks that taste identical to beer, but are claimed no alcohol content. Some of the reasons for these claims come from the basic ingredients used, 100% do not contain haram ingredients. Then, what is the law on consuming this beer, is it halal and can it be certified? How did LPPOM MUI respond to this case? Here’s the discussion!

Responding to the circulation of 0% alcohol beer which is claimed to be halal, the Chair of the MUI Fatwa Commission (KF) for the 2020 – 2022 period, Prof. Dr. H. Hasanuddin AF, MA., emphasized that the product cannot be halal certified. Basically, halal certification in Indonesia has its own reference for companies that will apply for product halal certification.

Hasanuddin AF then gave signs that MUI would not process halal certification for tasyabbuh products or similar to products that are forbidden in Islam. This means that the beer, even though it is claimed to be without alcohol, it still cannot be declared as halal because it uses a name that refers to a haram product, namely beer which in Islamic terms is also called khamr.

“MUI has regulated the use of certain product names that are allowed and not allowed. The rules for the name of the product are contained in the MUI Fatwa No. 4 of 2003 concerning the prohibition of consuming and using names that lead to things that are haram, so that the products cannot be certified,” explained Ade Suherman, as Manager of Halal Auditor Management of LPPOM MUI in the Halal Talk program on the official Instagram account of LPPOM MUI.

In addition to the MUI Fatwa, the naming of beer is 0% alcohol, it can also refer to the Decree of the Director of LPPOM MUI which explains in detail that the names of products that cannot be certified include the names of products containing the name of liquor. In this group, non-alcoholic wine, champagne, root beer, rhum raisin-flavored ice cream, and 0% alcohol beer, definitely cannot pass halal certification.

“The main goal of the scholars regarding halal is to calm the people, so there are certain preventive actions so that we are not in a state of tasyabbuh. As for the perception of tasyabbuh, which plunges the value of halal to resemble haram later, it will make consumers unable to distinguish between halal and haram in similar products, causing misleading or long-term misperceptions, “explained Ade.

According to him, the halal concept emphasized by LPPOM MUI is not only halal and najis-free, but the product name also has its provisions. Before buying, consumers must be careful. This is because what we buy will be consumed by ourselves. Thus, consumers must ensure, in addition to the clear name, also the naming used does not lead to things that are haram. (AI)

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