
Beauty Serum Injection from Salmon DNA, Is It Halal?

Suntik Serum Kecantikan DNA Salmon, Apakah Halal?

Salmon DNA is one of the products that has recently been widely discussed as a solution to beauty problems with modern technology. Looking at the manufacturing method and the ingredients contained in it, several things need to be considered regarding the halal aspects of the product. The Halal auditor of the Halal Inspection Body of the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPH LPPOM) will review this in full in this article to facilitate the halal certification process for cosmetics containing Salmon DNA by Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH). The halal aspect based on the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) Fatwa will also be discussed.

Almost everyone, especially women, craves an attractive and charming appearance. To realize this, not a few do various treatments and try various ways to maintain their appearance and beauty. Some choose instant solutions to get fast and perfect results. Salmon deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is one of the products that has recently been widely discussed as a solution to beauty problems with modern technology.

Salmon DNA serum is a beauty care product containing DNA extract from salmon that is used for skin care. Salmon DNA is considered to have many benefits for skin cell regeneration and repair. This serum has regenerative properties that can help rejuvenate, tighten, repair damage, moisturize, reduce wrinkles, and provide the nutrients the skin needs.

Salmon DNA is rich in protein and amino acids and is believed to increase collagen production in skin cells. Therefore, this serum is often used in beauty treatments, such as anti-aging therapy, wrinkle reduction, and treatment for skin damaged by sun exposure or pollution.

Although it has many benefits for beauty treatments, the effectiveness and safety of salmon DNA beauty serum injections can vary from individual to individual. Consultation with a medical professional is recommended before undergoing serum injection treatment to avoid being medically harmful.

Considering the manufacturing method and its ingredients, several things need to be considered regarding salmon DNA beauty serum injections. From a halal aspect, several critical points can potentially contain or be contaminated with haram and impure materials. Understanding these critical points will facilitate the BPJPH halal certification process for salmon DNA cosmetics. How is this related?

What is the law on salmon DNA beauty serum injections?

Even though salmon has halal status, several things need to be observed and researched. According to the halal auditor of LPH LPPOM, Fadila, S.TP, although this serum is not consumed, the ingredients and manufacturing facilities must be ensured free from impurities.

While extracting salmon DNA, commonly referred to as an extracting agent, chemicals or liquids are used to break down and separate DNA from salmon cells. The main goal is to destroy the membrane and cell nucleus and remove other cell components. That way, salmon DNA can be separated and obtained in pure form.

“Several types of extracting agents are often used, such as protease enzymes, which must be considered whether they come from plants or animals. Enzymes that come from animals must be ensured not to come from pigs or animals that are slaughtered in a way that is not in accordance with Islamic law,” said Fadila.

Another example is amino acids that come from the synthesis of animal fur, so it must be ensured whether they come from halal animals whose fur is obtained while the animal is still alive or after being slaughtered. If obtained after slaughtering, it must be ensured that the slaughtering process is carried out according to sharia, so a halal certificate must be required, either from BPJPH or a foreign halal certification agency.

He also explained that microbial products, such as salmon DNA, have a critical point located in the nitrogen source for growth nutrients. This nitrogen source can come from meat extract, hydrolysis peptone, and other materials. This meat must be traced to whether it comes from halal animals slaughtered according to Islamic law or not.

This is explained in detail in the Fatwa of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) No. 01 of 2010 concerning the Use of Microbes and Microbial Products. One point states that microbial products produced by microbes that grow in unclean growth media can be considered halal if the microbes can be completely separated from the media and have been purified.

For some lay people, the matter of this new cosmetic product is certainly difficult to identify. However, as Muslims, of course, we must be careful and thorough in choosing safe and halal cosmetic products. To make it easier for LPPOM Friends to choose halal products, LPPOM provides a Halal Product Check platform on the website and the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded from Playstore. The Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) also provides similar services on its official website (ZUL)