
Asbabun Nuzul (Occasions and Circumstances of Revelation) Prohibition of Drinking Alcohol 

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Asbabun Nuzul Larangan Meminum Khamar

By: Prof. Khaswar Syamsu, Ph.D 

The Head of the Halal Science Centre, IPB University and Coordinator of Expert Staff, LPPOM MUI 

Islam clearly prohibits drinking alcohol. There are many hadiths and verses in the Qur’an that emphasize and tell the story of Asbabun nuzul, or the origin of the prohibition of drinking alcohol. What are they? 

The prohibition on drinking alcohol in the Qur’an was revealed gradually because drinking alcohol for Arabs has become a deeply ingrained habit since the time of ignorance, so it is feared that it will be very burdensome if it is prohibited all at once. 

At first, it is said that its sin/harm is greater than its benefits (Al-Baqarah: 219), then it is forbidden for drunk people to perform prayers (An-Nisaa: 43), and finally, it is said that drinking alcohol is a vile act and is included in the actions of Satan (Al-Maidah: 90-91). 

In the letter Al-Baqarah: 219, at the beginning it is still mentioned that alcohol has several benefits and sins/harm, but its sins/harm are greater than its benefits. “They ask you ‘O Prophet’ about alcohol and gambling. Say: “There is great evil in both, as well as some benefit for people—but the evil outweighs the benefit.” (Al-Baqarah: 219). 

In a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad from Abu Hurairah, the asbabun nuzul (cause for the revelation) of this verse is explained. When the Messenger of Allah was in Medina, he found some of his companions drinking alcohol and gambling because it had been their habit since their ancestors. 

Then, the companions asked the Messenger of Allah about the law. Then, the verse of Al-Baqarah verse 219 was revealed. This verse was revealed at the beginning of Islam, when the faith of the Muslims was not yet strong enough to be able to leave what had become their hobby and habit, which was actually not allowed by Islam. 

They initially understood from these verses that drinking alcohol and gambling were not forbidden by Islam, but it was only said that the dangers were greater than the benefits. Then, they continued to drink alcohol. So, after this verse was revealed, some of the Muslims stopped drinking alcohol because the verse mentioned that there was a major sin in that act. But some others continued to drink alcohol, because in their opinion, the verse did not prohibit them from doing that, especially since it was still mentioned that alcohol contains many benefits for humans. 

In the next stage, the letter An-Nisaa verse 43 was revealed regarding the prohibition for people who are drunk from drinking alcohol to perform prayers. “O believers! Do not approach prayer while intoxicated until you are aware of what you say” (An-Nisaa: 43) 

The reason for the revelation of this verse is explained in the following hadith. Ali bin Abi Talib said: “Abdurrahman bin Auf made food for us and then he invited us and gave us alcohol to drink, finally we became drunk and the time for prayer came. They asked me to be the imam. In that prayer I read the letter Al-Kafirun wrongly which means the following: Say: ‘O disbelievers! I will not worship what you worship. And we will worship what you worship” (Narrated by Abu Daud and Tirmizi from Ali bin Abi Talib). 

In fact, the verse should read: Say, O Prophet’  “O you disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I will never worship what you worship. (Q.S. AlKafirun: 1-4) 

Then, after the Muslims’ faith became stronger and their souls had matured to be able to abandon what religion did not allow, Surah Al-Maidah verses 90-91 came down; “O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions1 are all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So, shun them so you may be successful. Satan’s plan is to stir up hostility and hatred between you with intoxicants and gambling and to prevent you from remembering Allah and praying. Will you not then abstain?” 

Asbabun nuzul in this verse is when ‘Utbah bin Mālik invited his friends to eat with one of them, Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqās. They also ate and drank wine until they got drunk. They felt proud, and some of them sang poems that made their people proud and insulted the Ansar. 

Then, one of the Ansar youths (who felt insulted) took a bone and hit Sa’ad on the head until he was injured. Sa’ad also complained about the incident to Rasulullah until verse 90 of Surah Al-Maidah was revealed. This verse confirms the haram of drinking wine, namely by saying that drinking wine and other actions are dirty, haram and include Satanic acts that should not be carried out by humans who believe in Allah SWT. With the revelation of this verse, all possibility has been closed for believers to drink wine. 

As the first interpretation of the Qur’an, there are several hadiths as further explanations of the verses of the Qur’an related to the drink of khamr. Khamr is the mother of all kinds of sins and disobedience which has great harm because it can endanger the soul and body. , both the drinker himself and others. 

For example, a drunk person who drives a vehicle can have an accident or hit someone who is not drinking alcohol. Drunk people are easily emotional and can harm others. There have been many cases of crime that have occurred because the perpetrator consumes alcohol. Starting from committing adultery, fighting, killing, stealing, gambling, and so on. 

That is why someone who likes to drink alcohol, then it is very likely to commit crimes or other sins. As the Prophet Muhammad said: Stay away from all of your alcohol, because alcohol is the key to all evil (HR. Hakim). 

The harm of khamr is so great that Allah cursed those who are involved in making khamr, those who sell it, those who drink it and those who serve it. As in the hadith, Anas bin Malik Radhiyallahu said: The Prophet Muhammad cursed khamr for ten people, namely, the one who squeezes (who makes khamr), who asks for or receives khamar (asks for it to be made), who drinks khamar, who brings or delivers khamar, the person to whom the khamar is delivered, who gives khamar, who sells khamar, who eats from khamar money, who buys khamar, and the person who bought khamr (HR. Ibn Majah and Turmudzi). 

In another more concise hadith, it is stated that “Indeed Allah curses khamr, its producers, distributors, its drinkers, its pourers, its carriers, its senders, its sellers, its buyers and its consumers.” (HR. Al-Bayhaqi).