1989 – The Indonesian government handed the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) a mandate to play a proactive role in assisting in the mitigation of the issue after word of the contamination of a product with porcine substances. On January 6, 1989, MUI and the IPB University worked together to establish the MUI Assessment Institute for Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPPOM MUI). This initiative was based on this mission. This institution was created with the intention of leading the charge in assuring the halalness of products.
1991 – LPPOM MUI began its career as the first Halal Certification Body in Indonesia and issued its first halal certificate in 1991 as part of its journey and to ensure the halalness of products. Companies, especially those who seek to ensure the halalness of their products and increase the economic worth of their products in society, have warmly embraced this halal certification.
1995 – LPPOM MUI grew by creating its first branch office in 1995 to contact companies all throughout Indonesia. Due to the growing demand for halal certification from companies, LPPOM MUI now has 34 branch offices located throughout practically all of Indonesia’s provinces. The presence of LPPOM MUI branch offices enables micro and small enterprises to ensure that their products are halal.
1999 – Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hj Aisjah Girindra, LPPOM MUI became the driving force behind the World Halal Council’s formation in Jakarta in 2019. In addition to accrediting and recognising halal certification organisations (LSH) globally, WHC was founded with the goal of standardising halal certification. Along the process, LPPOM MUI established the World Halal Food Council for further halal food-related goals.
2011 – Halal certification is not only required by companies in Indonesia, but also by companies abroad. The need for domestic halal certification has contributed to the formation of a chain of halal ingredients and products. This opportunity is widely used by companies in China to develop their business in the global halal market. To answer this need, LPPOM MUI opened its first representative office in Shanghai, China.
2012 – As a result of more than 20 years of experience, in 2012, LPPOM MUI launched the HAS 23000 halal assurance system standard. With this standard, LPPOM MUI became the first halal certification body in the world to require the implementation of a halal assurance system. Now, HAS 23000 is not only a guideline for LPPOM MUI partners to obtain halal certificates, but also adopted by several world LSH to issue halal certificates.
To support the ease of the halal certification process, LPPOM MUI in the same year also launched the CEROL online registration system.
2014 – Laboratory testing is needed to support halal certification results, such as the content of pig-derived ingredients, ethanol content, water permeability test for cosmetics, and others. Therefore, in 2014, LPPOM MUI established a Halal Laboratory. Currently, the LPPOM MUI Halal Laboratory not only serves testing related to product halalness, but also serves testing related to product safety aspects.
2015 – 2017 – LPPOM keeps extending its reach to accommodate the demands of companies all across the world. Due to this, LPPOM MUI established representative offices in a number of different nations, including Korea, Taiwan, and Mexico.
2018 – 2019 – The dynamics of halal certification are not only present in Indonesia, but also in several nations, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and others. For the issuance of halal certifications to be recognized, certain nations need halal certifying organizations to be accredited. In response to these difficulties, LPPOM MUI consistently strives to offer the finest service with papers that are accepted all over the world. As a result, LPPOM MUI became the first institution in Indonesia to receive certification under ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and UAE.S 2055:2. LPPOM MUI is now working to become accredited by authorities in various nations.
Since the issuance of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, LPPOM MUI has now taken on the role of the first Halal Inspection Agency in Indonesia and continues to be active in carrying out product halal inspection.
As a pioneer of halal certification in Indonesia
LPPOM MUI intends to maintain the positions as a leading halal inspection body and becomes a major partner of the national and international halal industry.
Developing Halal Certification Standards that become the reference of the national and international halal community.
LPPOM MUI is committed to impartiality in halal certification activities.
LPPOM MUI identifies, analyzes and documents possible conflicts of interest arising from the provision of certification including any conflicts arising from its working relationship. If the relationship presents an unacceptable threat to impartiality then certification will not be awarded.
Policies and procedures operated by LPPOM MUI and their administration are not discriminatory.
LPPOM MUI provides access to the certification process that can be owned by all clients using the registered username and password in the online registration application (CEROL-SS23000).
Access to the certification process is not based on client size or membership of associations or groups, is not based on the number of certifications issued, and is not influenced by financial or other conditions.