
Meltique Beef: Economical Artificial Wagyu, what are the Critical Points of Halal and Food Safety?

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Meltique Beef: Wagyu Artifisial yang Ekonomis, Bagaimana Titik Kritis Kehalalan dan Keamanan Pangannya?

By: Rina Maulidiyah STP, Halal Auditor LPPOM

Meltique Beef was born as a middle way to get luxurious wagyu dishes at an affordable price. What are the production method and halal aspects?

Wagyu beef is known as one of the symbols of luxury in the culinary world. Its main characteristics are a soft texture, a distinctive savoury taste, and a beautiful marbling pattern, making it a target for culinary lovers. However, the relatively high price of wagyu beef is often an obstacle for most people to enjoy.

To answer this challenge, meltique beef is present due to technological innovation that allows the modification of beef to have characteristics similar to Wagyu. Through techniques such as using fat to increase marbling to process meat with specific methods, ordinary beef can be transformed into a more affordable version without reducing the enjoyment of its taste and texture.

This innovation not only opens up opportunities for more people to enjoy the premium taste of Wagyu but also encourages creativity in the culinary industry. With a more affordable price, the experience of enjoying high-quality meat becomes more inclusive and reaches various levels of society. This also provides an attractive alternative for those who want to taste luxurious cuisine without spending much money.

What is Meltique Beef?

Quoting from a journal entitled The Effect of Different Oil and Water Ratio to the Physical Properties of Meltique Meat, meltique beef is defined as a type of meat that goes through a unique processing process by injecting fat into the muscle fibres of the meat to produce high-quality meat that resembles the natural marbling characteristics of premium beef. This type of meat is often referred to as artificially marbled meat.

Meltique beef is a trademark of artificially marbled meat specifically produced through food technology innovation in the form of fat injection into meat fibres. In terms of terminology, artificially marbled meat is a general term for meat modified through a technology that can be in the form of fat injection or a similar process to create a marbling pattern resembling premium meat such as Wagyu. This is quoted from a journal entitled The Effect of Palm Kernel Oil on the Characteristics of Meltique Roast Meat: PH, Cooking Loss, and Level of Preference.

Reporting to the journal Knowledge, Perception, and Behavior of Business Consumers towards Meltique Meat in the City and District of Bogor, the technique of injecting fat into meat on meltique beef was first developed in Japan in 1981 by Hokubee Co., to improve the quality of beef in the Hokkaido region which is known as a dairy farming area.

The making of meltique beef was inspired by the “pique” technique introduced in France around 1960, an injection technique designed to create tender meat. Although it has been widely known in the culinary world, Meltique beef at that time had not received equal attention in the academic world.

Marbling is white fat granules that are spread in the muscle tissue of the meat (intramuscular fat). This fat pattern adds visual appeal to the cut of beef and plays a vital role in creating a soft texture, a delicious aroma when cooked, and a rich flavour.

Marbling looks like fine white lines spread between the fibres of red meat. This fat is located in the muscle tissue, unlike subcutaneous fat under the skin tissue. Marbling is an indicator of beef quality, the more marbling the better the beef quality.

According to, the quality of marbling of genuine wagyu beef is influenced by several factors, including genetics, diet, maintenance patterns, and livestock conditions. While in meltique beef, the quality of marbling is influenced by the ratio of oil and water, emulsion stability, and absorption of fat emulsion into the meat.

Meltique beef is produced by injecting fat emulsion into sirloin beef (the part near the cow’s flank). As reported by, fat emulsion consists of a mixture of animal fat or vegetable fat or a mixture of both water and emulsifier. Commercially, meltique currently produced involves canola oil vegetable fat.

A higher oil ratio significantly increases the tenderness, juiciness, and visual appearance of meltique meat. However, an oil ratio that is too high can increase production costs. Therefore, the optimal ratio of oil and water should be selected to balance product quality and production efficiency.

Halal Critical Points of Meltique Beef

Meltique beef has several aspects that need to be considered regarding its halalness, especially since the processing process involves special techniques such as fat injection. Several critical points that need to be considered include:

1. Meat Source

According to, the meat must come from cows slaughtered according to Islamic law. The slaughtering process must meet halal standards, such as slaughtering by Muslims who say the name of Allah (basmallah) when slaughtering and ensuring that the animal’s blood comes out perfectly (Slaughter is done by cutting three main channels in the neck: the respiratory tract (trachea), the food tract (esophagus), and two main blood vessels (carotid artery and jugular vein). If the source of the meat is unclear or comes from a country that does not prioritize the halal process, then its halal status can be doubted.

  • Type of Fat Used

The fat injected into the muscle fibres must come from a halal source, such as halal beef fat or vegetable oil, not mixed with haram ingredients. Pork fat or other non-halal ingredients are not allowed in Islam.

  • Other Additional Ingredients

The Meltique process often involves additional ingredients such as emulsifiers or stabilizers to mix the fat with water. This ingredient must be free from alcohol or substances derived from haram ingredients. Any added colourings, flavours, or preservatives must also come from halal sources.

  • Production Process

The equipment used in the Meltique process must be free from cross-contamination with haram or najis materials, such as pork. The production area must ensure cleanliness according to halal standards, including separating halal and haram materials.

Meltique Beef Food Safety

Meltique Beef is a safe product for consumption, and even though the production process involves fat injection techniques, various information and studies show that this product meets food safety standards. Here are some reasons that support the safety of Meltique Beef:

  1. Use of Safe Ingredients

The fat used in the Meltique Beef process, such as canola oil or other ingredients, if included in the safe food category and its use does not exceed the limit, then the product will be secure.

  • Compliance with Food Safety Regulations

Before being marketed, Meltique meat must undergo a series of tests and evaluations by the authorized food supervisory agency to ensure its safety. This includes checking the ingredients, production methods, and the final product test.

  • No Reports of Significant Side Effects

Since its introduction to the market, no significant reports have shown adverse side effects from consuming Meltique meat. This further strengthens the belief that this product is safe for consumption.

The meltique process aims to improve the visual quality and texture of the meat by creating a marbling effect, making it more attractive and delicious when served. No harmful substances are added during this process, as the main focus is on improving the aesthetics and taste of the meat without significantly changing its essential nutritional content.

Consumption of intramuscular fat in meltique beef can provide health benefits if consumed moderately and as part of a balanced diet. However, excessive consumption can increase the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. Based on a journal entitled Health Implications of Beef Intramuscular Fat Consumption, choosing high-quality beef with a higher unsaturated fat content and paying attention to the total daily calorie intake to get optimal benefits is essential.


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