
The Wisdom and Virtues of the Holy Month of Ramadhan

Hikmah dan Keutamaan Bulan Suci Ramadhan

From Abu Hurairah (narrated), the Messenger of Allah said: When the month of Ramadhan has entered, the gates of heaven are opened, and the gates of hell are closed, and Satan is chained (HR. al-Bukhari).

Fasting in the month of Ramadhan is an obligation established by Allah for His faithful servants. The word of Allah SWT mentions the commitment to fast during Ramadhan in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183. “O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you—as it was for those before you—so perhaps you will become mindful of Allah.” (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 183).

Regarding the month of Ramadhan, The MUI Chairman, K.H. Cholil Nafis, stated that the month of Ramadhan is a barometer of a Muslim’s faith. How a person welcomes Ramadhan can show the condition of a person’s faith, whether good or fragile.

“If we feel happy, it means our faith is good. If those who feel sad, while it is still Sya’ban, are satisfied with their food, it means their faith is weak,” said K.H. Cholil Nafis, as quoted by Republika.

He added that it is essential for Muslims to follow the tarhib of Ramadhan and echo it in society. The goal is for the faith of every Muslim to increase and for them to be happy when welcoming Ramadhan.

In the month of Ramadhan, it is hoped that people will be busier doing good than doing sinful things. This is why they can enter heaven and its doors. The closing of the doors of hell and the shackles of the devil make it easy for someone to stay away from sins at that time.

Ramadhan is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed. As this is shown in the word of Allah SWT: “(Some of the days that are determined are) the month of Ramadan, the month in which was revealed (the beginning) of the Qur’an, as a guidance for mankind and explanations regarding the guidance and the distinction (between right and wrong).” (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 185).

Al-Imam Ibn Kathir Rohimahulloh explains: (In this noble verse) Allah SWT praises the month of fasting, namely the month of Ramadhan, rather than other months. Allah praised this because this month was chosen as the month in which the Qur’an was revealed, unlike other months. Likewise, Allah has revealed other Divine books (namely the Samamiyyah books) to the Prophet Muhammad this month of Ramadhan.

Apart from that, Ramadhan is the month in which the devils are shackled, the gates of hell are closed, and the gates of heaven are opened. The Prophet Muhammad said: “When Ramadan arrives, the gates of heaven are opened, the gates of hell are closed, and the devils are chained.”

Al-Imam Al-Qodhi ‘Iyadh, may Allah have mercy on him, explained that the hadith above can mean that the opening of the gates of heaven and the closing of the gates of hell and the shackling of the devils are signs of the entry of the month of Ramadan and the nobility of that month.

The Virtues of Ramadhan

The virtues of the month of Ramadhan, as explained in the book Understanding Hisab Muhammadiyah and Guide to Worship for the Month of Ramadhan, include firstly, people who fast Ramadhan with full awareness of faith and hope in Allah and do it seriously and take care of themselves as they should, their past sins will be forgiven.

From Abu Hurairah (it was narrated that) he said: Rasulullah SAW has said: Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan with full awareness of faith and hope (in Allah) will have his past sins forgiven (HR. al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Second, whoever fasts in the month of Ramadhan will have his reward multiplied infinitely by Allah if it is carried out sincerely and earnestly.

From Abu Hurairah r.a. (it is reported that) he said: Rasulullah SAW said: Allah Ta’ala said: Every deed of the son of Adam (human) is for himself, and the reward of good is multiplied tenfold to seven hundredfold, except fasting. He is for me, and I am the one who will repay him (with no limitations). The person who fasts gives up food and lust for Me and gives up drink and lust for Me. So fasting is for Me, and I reward it (H.R. adDarimi).

The meaning of the hadith above is that every act of worship done with full faith and sincerity and by avoiding major sins will have its reward multiplied between ten and seven hundred times, with the exception of fasting, where if done with complete faith, sincerity and avoiding significant sins, Allah immediately multiplies the reward without limit. This is the primacy of fasting over other acts of charity.

This is because fasting has an element of hard struggle, namely controlling oneself from all temptations and desires, which can lead a person to various actions that are detrimental and contrary to propriety.

Third, fast people get two joys: the worldly joy of breaking the quick and the ukhrawi joy of meeting Allah in the hereafter.

From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad said: The person who fasts has two joys: joy when breaking the fast and joy when facing his Lord, the Almighty, the Most Glorious (H.R. Ahmad).

Fourth, people who fast for just one day in the way of Allah will be kept away from the fire of hell for 70 years. From Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri r.a. (it is reported that) He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever fasts one day in the way of Allah, Allah will keep him away from hell for seventy years (H.R. Muslim).

Fifth, fast people will be privileged to enter heaven through a unique door in the afterlife. From Sahl r.a., from the Prophet Muhammad (it is reported that) He said: Indeed, in heaven there is a door called ar-Rayyan, through which fasting people enter heaven on the day of judgment. No one passed the door but them.

In the afterlife, a summons will be made: Where are the people who fasted? Then they stood up (and entered heaven), and no one entered through that door. The door was closed when they entered so that no one could enter through it. (Compiled from various sources)