LPPOM MUI views the mandatory halal in October 2024 as a challenge that must be faced. Various efforts have been made, one of which is strengthening all LPPOM MUI representative offices spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia through the holding of a national coordination meeting (Rakornas).
The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) held a National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) of LPPOM MUI throughout Indonesia 2024 with the theme “Increasing Competitiveness Towards LPPOM MUI Remaining at the Forefront of Halal Assurance Solutions” on March 3-6, 2024 in Bali.
This was done to align the goals and strategies of LPPOM MUI to strengthen the synergy of LPPOM MUI throughout Indonesia. This step is a response to the challenges of mandatory halal regulations stated in Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH) and its derivatives. Halal certification of this product is carried out in stages based on product category.
The nearest mandatory halal certification phase-out period will expire on October 17, 2024, this applies to food and beverage products. Unfortunately, not only the final food and beverage products but all materials involved must also be halal certified, such as raw materials, food additives, and auxiliary materials. In addition, slaughtering services and slaughtered products are also included in those subject to halal certification obligations.
Responding to this, the Secretary General of the MUI, Dr. H. Amirsyah Tambunan, M.Ag, said that all stakeholders must be ready and work together to face this regulation. His party appreciates LPPOM MUI for all its achievements after 35 years of independence in the Indonesian halal industry. Now, competition between Halal Inspection Body (LPH) is getting tighter. Of the approximately 68 LPHs, LPPOM MUI is still at the forefront.
“The JPH regulation is expected to be able to push Indonesian halal products to be even more at the forefront. Various parties, including LPH LPPOM MUI, need to prepare for October 2024, so that the change in the nature of halal certification from voluntary to mandatory runs smoothly,” said Buya Amirsyah Tambunan.
As is well known, business actors who do not implement these regulations will be subject to administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings, administrative fines, revocation of halal certificates, and/or withdrawal of goods from circulation. This is stated in Government Regulation No. 39 of 2021 Article 149. In terms of determining administrative fines, business actors can be subject to a maximum of IDR 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiah).
On this occasion, the President Director of LPPOM MUI, Muti Arintawati, emphasized that the current regulations are a shared challenge for all stakeholders in the Indonesian halal industry. His party admitted that they were ready to face the mandatory halal in October 2017. Of course, this is not without reason. To carry out the function of LPH, LPPOM MUI continues to strengthen all lines of the institution.
LPPOM MUI has representative offices in 34 provinces throughout Indonesia to facilitate the process of checking the halalness of products in all regions of Indonesia, especially for the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector. In addition, LPPOM MUI also has a series of competency improvement programs for more than 1,000 auditors spread throughout Indonesia. Various service programs for representative offices in the provinces also continue to be intensified for fast, accurate, and professional services.
In addition, to complete the process of checking the halalness of products, LPPOM MUI has formed a halal laboratory that has various types of tests, ranging from pig DNA tests, water penetration, alcohol content, and so on. LPPOM MUI is also equipped with CEROL-SS23000. With this online system, business actors can access the process of checking the halalness of their products whenever and wherever they are. “We are very serious about preparing various programs to strengthen LPPOM MUI throughout Indonesia as one entity, so that it is more solid and works in a standardized manner. That way, business actors can get the same service and results. This is a big challenge on how we can maintain the quality of our work and still be able to compete,” explained Muti Arintawati. (*)