
18 Working Days, LPPOM MUI Answers Regulatory Challenges

18 Hari, LPPOM MUI jawab tantangan regulasi

The average completion time for LPPOM MUI halal inspection and/or testing is 18 working days. This figure is within the deadline set by the government in the Halal Product Assurance (JPH) regulation, namely a maximum of 25 days for domestic and a maximum of 30 days for foreign products.

The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) is responding to the challenges currently imposed by the government regarding the length of time for product halal inspections. The President Director of LPPOM MUI, Muti Arintawati, conveyed this at the Media Gathering event held on January 18, 2024, at the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) Building, Jakarta.

“The length of time required to complete halal inspection and/or testing is a very important factor in determining a company’s considerations in carrying out halal certification. Therefore, this is an important point that continues to be improved by LPPOM MUI as LPH,” said Muti Arintawati.

The average completion time for LPPOM MUI halal inspection and/or testing is 18 working days, domestic for 17 working days and abroad for 21 working days. This time has increased significantly compared to 2022, which is 28 days for domestic and 29 days abroad. This figure is within the deadline set by the government.

Previously, the government had regulated the duration of halal certification in Government Regulation (PP) No. 39 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Halal Product Assurance. Articles 72 and 73 states that halal inspection and/or testing for products produced domestically is carried out for 15 days since the LPH determination is issued by the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH), with a maximum extension period of 10 days. Meanwhile, it is 15 days for foreign products, with an extension of 15 days. This means that the maximum time for domestic halal inspection and/or testing is 25 days, and for overseas is 30 days.

LPPOM MUI has made various efforts to improve its services to achieve this. To date, LPPOM MUI has had 1,001 auditors spread throughout Indonesia. All LPPOM MUI auditors have received massive training and education to continue to improve their competence.

Meanwhile, LPPOM MUI has opened representative offices spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia to provide easy and fast halal certification inspection services. LPPOM MUI has four representative offices abroad (1 in China, 1 in Taiwan, and 2 in Korea) to penetrate the global market. In addition, LPPOM MUI also has an online certification system, namely CEROL-SS23000, to make it easier for clients to access the entire halal inspection/testing process for their products.

Not only that, during 2023, LPPOM MUI has collaborated a lot in facilitating halal certification with more than 70 halal stakeholders, including banks, government agencies, BUMN, and the private sector, both at the national, provincial, and district/city levels spread throughout Indonesia. A total of 8,250 MSME actors have been facilitated with halal certification through LPPOM MUI. LPPOM MUI is open to every business actor who wants to carry out halal certification. You can start your steps by participating in the Introduction to Halal Certification (PSH) held weekly by LPPOM MUI. Register yourself immediately at the link: You can choose LPPOM MUI as the Halal Inspection Body (LPH) for your product’s halal certification. Discuss all your needs with our team, who are always ready to serve you. Contact our team at the link: (YN)